Never Forgotten
“Such a highlight in David’s life and without question one of the most important experiences he will ever be fortunate enough to have. Just absolutely everybody and everything was top notch and truly WORLD CLASS!!!!”
— Patricia Pearce, mother of 2018 model David Pearce
“This year the event was amazing and went very smoothly. Overall a spectacular event. You are all amazing and I love working with you all. No matter what I’ll find the time to help with this event in future as well.”
— Patrick Hickey
“Congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of the BBBY Fashion Show. I can’t believe how quickly time flies! It has come so far and your work with GLOBAL is more and more amazing each year. Thank you for all that you do!!”
— Lorii Rabinowitz, Denver Scholarship Foundation
“WOW!! What a fantastic weekend we had! Everyone involved was so helpful, patient, thorough. And the events themselves (Friday and Saturday) were just beautiful and great fun. Congratulations to all of you and everyone else involved for such a successful gala.”
— Lili Byers (2018 Model, Olivia Byers-Straus Mother)
“It goes without saying that everything you do is with style and is first class, but beyond that nobody can capture the spirit of why we are there like you can.”
— Erin Book Mullen
“How is it possible for the event to get better and better? And just when I thought it was the best it could be!!!!”
— Ricki Rest
“Congratulations on another wonderful Fashion Show. As always, the event was a lot of fun and a great success. It was wonderful to see all the models on the runway; they looked so happy! And all of them got such wonderful responses from the crowd. ”
— Eric Benson
“Thanks so much for inviting me to the GLOBAL Fashion Show this weekend! It was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget.”
— Kishore Vellody
“Thank you for all you do and for graciously welcoming us at the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show. The event really was a highlight of the year! You must be so thankful and proud of your lab and your research. It really is amazing.”
— Jill Penafiel, University of Colorado Cancer Center
“We had an amazing experience at the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show. It was so much fun being pals with the models. Thank you for all of the work you do at Global Down Syndrome Foundation!”
— Richelle Baker
“Congratulations on your most successful Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show to date—an absolutely superb weekend was had by all. We so appreciate that you have made us apart of your Global Down Syndrome Foundation family. It has enriched our lives more than you’ll ever know.”
— Beverly Johnson
“Thank you for including me as a VIP Volunteer for the 2015 Fashion Show. It was a true honor to be involved with such a talented group. You all did an amazing job putting that together. It was the most impressive Gala I have seen this year.”
— Kenzie Crow
“Thank you so much for having us! It was incredible and magical, like always. You all do such an amazing job with this event and I am so honored to be a part of it! It is truly my favorite night of the entire year!”
— Angela Wood, Denver Broncos Cheerleader
“This has been a successful and enjoyable way to raise money for an important cause. One of the highlights was a video featuring 2015 Ambassador Clarissa Capuano, a second-grader who was described by a classmate: ‘I think she is a lot more awesome than she is different.'”
— John Reilly, Dean of the CU School of Medicine
“The Fashion Show was such a beautiful evening on so many levels. Orchestrated so thoughtfully for the guests, so fun for the darling models, and so successful financially! Thank you for all you do for the world! We are honored to know you!”
— Debbi Alpert
“We are blown away at the difference the Global Down Syndrome Foundation has made. It seems like you have been able to leap frog the quality of life for this remarkable community of individuals. Congrats again to you both and your whole family.”
— Mark Falcone
“Thank you so much for the fantastic job you are doing on behalf of all individuals with Down syndrome and their families. The evening was joyous and beautifully done and Carrie will always remember the Fashion Show. ”
— Will & Lois Lanier, Parents of 2015 Model, Carrie Lanier
2024 Ambassador Zaya Biel
2021 GLOBAL BBBY Fashion Show Mission Video
2023 Ambassador Grace Brennan
2022 Ambassador Micah Quinones
2020 Quincy Jones Award Winner Marián Ávila