Q&A with Edie Marks

Edie Marks

1. Why did you join the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show Committee?

I have always been aware of the special loving nature of Down Syndrome children and the increasingly important part they have begun to play in adult society, but not until I met the sensational Miss Sophia Whitten and her parents did I realize the importance of being involved in this important organization.

2. What does supporting the Global Down Syndrome Foundation mean to you?

As a former teacher of disadvantaged youth in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of New York, I have always recognized the importance of maximizing the potential of every child and that is what Global Down Syndrome is about.

3. Why should people support the Global Down Syndrome Foundation?

Being involved is a very selfish endeavor, it makes me feel guilty because it is so personally rewarding to be a part of this group. I know the efforts of all the families who have become involved will make a difference in enriching all of our lives