Amanda Booth Q & A

Amanda Booth

Amanda Booth
Amanda Booth

2022 Fashion Show Chair    

How many BBBY’s Fashion Shows have you attended, and how did you get involved to begin with?

“2022 is going to be our eighth year attending the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show! Right around the time when the story of Micah having a modeling agency went “viral” is when I first heard about GLOBAL. They reached out to invite us to the event. Micah had just turned one. I had this long conversation with Michelle on the phone. Two moms just getting into all the things we wanted to do, and the rest is history!”

What is the most amazing moment you’ve ever had at a BBBY?

“Every year, I would do press with DeOndra Dixon, Jamie Foxx’s sister, and sometimes even do interviews together. Prior to having Micah, I had never met someone with Down syndrome. Before attending the Fashion Show, I hadn’t had the opportunity to get to know any adults with Down syndrome, so having this time with DeOndra was incredibly special to me. She was always keeping me laughing and filled me with so much hope.”

Why did you decide to chair the 2022 BBBY?

“I think this year is going to be extra special as we come together again after the few years of hardship due to COVID and lots of virtual events. It’s a special year being back in-person and with Micah being the Ambassador – and what mom doesn’t want to be involved on their kiddo’s big day?”

What can we expect at this year’s BBBY?

“As always, it’s going to be the most fun room you’ll ever be in! The energy is always amazing knowing everyone is there for the joint cause of raising funds for the groundbreaking research and lifechanging medical care to continue! Nothing is more exciting than watching the beautiful models strut their stuff down the runway and to see the beaming smiles across everyone’s faces.”

Why is it important for people to support BBBY?

“The idea that my son will have a chance to live a long and healthy life is my number one goal as his parent. Supporting the Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show means standing behind the medical professionals who are making that possible.”

What about Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) inspires you and your family??

“I am inspired by how tenaciously Michelle and her team stand up and demand for funding that people with Down syndrome deserve for this life-saving research. She could have chosen to just focus on her own daughter but instead she has dedicated her whole life (and sometimes at the expense of time with her own family) to helping ALL people with Down syndrome. Seeing her be so strong and steadfast gives me the courage to continue doing that and showing up how and where I can to advocate for our community.”

Why is medical research important to you and Micah?

“Lives of individuals with Down syndrome have long been ignored, and never valued enough to have time and resources allocated toward better understanding their needs. Having the tools to allow Micah to live a healthy life is the utmost importance for me.”

What excites you about Micah being this year’s 2022 BBBY ambassador?

“My favorite thing about Micah being the Ambassador is that he will be the face of such a powerful event! He’s nonverbal, but his face is so beautiful it evokes so much. Having his face be more visible I hope will be a reminder to all people living with Down syndrome to go after their dreams!”

Please share a sentence or two about your life, including what is important to you and anything else you would like to share with others.

“I couldn’t possibly sum up what’s important to me in two sentences. Oh crap, this is already two sentences.”


“I think the most important thing we can do is love each other and be grateful for every day we have on this Earth. Some days are hard, but every day we have is a gift so don’t waste it.”