2014 Global Ambassador Steven Dulcie

Global Down Syndrome Foundation Ambassador Steven DulcieWhen Steven Dulcie was born on the fourth of July in 1993 alongside his twin brother, Gray, his parents learned within hours that he had Down syndrome.

“The image we had of our family had just changed—undoubtedly, changed for the better,” said Steven’s mother, Deedra. “But at that moment we knew a life shift was transpiring.”

Since then, Steven has overcome several heart surgeries, and despite a lack of speech, he is thriving. He has played soccer and “attended more baseball games than most of us will in our lifetime,” his mother said. He’s an expert at movies and loves music and dancing. His parents, Jeff and Deedra, praise his strong work ethic at their country home in Glen Rose, Texas.

In addition to his twin, Steven has two older siblings, David and Matthew, “They’ve formed a fierce band of brothers that will battle if anyone ever crosses their brave little brother,” Deedra said.

“Steven brings to anyone who gets to know him Joy with a capital ‘J,’” she said.

He gets to share that joy as the Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s 2014 Ambassador, with a starring role at Global’s Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show in Denver on Saturday, October 25, 2014.

“When our family heard about Global’s accomplishments in research and medical care, given Steven’s background, we were excited to become a part of their movement,” Deedra said.